Sunday, May 4, 2008

Meeting Review

Here is the dealio....I have got to get my emotions in check...I've made plays on a lot of things and they have actually turned out to be correct plays...GREAT plays...short this here or go long here......but I let my emotions get involved and I hang on for too long or I don't move my stop....or some other crap...and I get hammered...

I don't like that one bit! And as much as I would love to go to credit spreads; the VIX isn't paying anything out. I hate sitting on hands for long periods of time but I have to make myself do it. I might be moving to paper again, or I might just be sitting and observing for the week. I don't know; I'm going to sleep on it and decide in the morning.

I hope that you are having better trading days than I am and have a great week!

-Matt J

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Even after your blog about emotions I let my little shares of Visa get to me. :) When am I going to learn?